All information is current as of the publication of this article and is subject to change. Please check reliable sources for your travel information or consult your Trusted Travel Advisor.

Were you an avid traveller before the pandemic? Are you now full of questions about what travel is like now that we live in a post-pandemic world? Frances Gertsch, a Trusted Travel Advisor with Stewart Travel Group, explains what you need to think about now when you travel.

Are you vaccinated?

Earlier this year, the Government of Canada announced that if you’re 12 years or older, you will need to be fully vaccinated to board any domestic or international flight departing from most airports in Canada, including charter and foreign airlines. Make sure you carry your proof of vaccination with you when you head on your next adventure. This also means that everyone on your flight -- including the staff -- is fully vaccinated.

What do I need to do to enter another country?

Each country has its own requirements for travel. Many of the countries Canadians go to in the winter -- such as Mexico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba (as of January 1, 2022) -- require a pre-entry questionnaire to be completed. This is, of course, on top of travel documents such as passports (which must be valid for at least 6 months after your return).

What is the experience at the airport? On the plane?

Where possible, airlines have implemented self-service options. You will be expected to maintain physical distancing as much as possible from airport and airline staff and other travellers. Masks are required in Canadian airports and on flights, except when eating and drinking. All high-touch areas are sanitized pre-flight and aircrafts receive a thorough cleaning overnight.

What has changed at the resort?

Most resorts are operating similarly to pre-COVID times. In some cases, there may be capacity limits in restaurants or bars (for example, capacity is set at 70% in Jamaica), certain facilities - like spas - may not have all services available. At buffet restaurants, you will find an “assisted” buffet rather than the traditional “self-serve” buffet you might be accustomed to. Here are some examples of popular resort chains and their COVID-19 safety protocols:

If your resort is not included in the list above, please consult with your Trusted Travel Advisor.

Do I need to wear my mask all the time?

The answer is, “it depends.” Just like in Canada, mask mandates are different depending on where you are and what you are doing. Generally, though, mask requirements are similar to what we experience at home. Face masks are required in public/common areas. In restaurants, you can remove your mask when you are seated. As always, never be shy to wear a mask if it makes you more comfortable. In most destinations, staff will be wearing masks during their interactions with you.

Is everyone at the resort vaccinated?

We need to consider both resort staff and other guests in answering this question. The tourism industries in popular destinations are working hard to ensure that staff are vaccinated against COVID-19. These countries are not all requiring guests to show proof of vaccination upon arrival, nor are they requiring COVID-19 tests upon arrival. They do expect everyone to complete a mandatory health form upon arrival.

Where do I get the COVID-19 test I need to return to Canada?

You need to ensure that the test you get meets the requirements for entry established by the Government of Canada. These requirements change, so it’s important that you make sure that you check these details so that you have up-to-date information. In the south, many resorts are offering on-site PCR tests. Costs vary from free to $150 USD per person. Results are provided 24-48 hours after your test in hard copy or by email (depending on the destination). In some cases you need to make a reservation for your test. Please check with your Trusted Travel Advisor to get the details applicable to your trip.

What do I need to enter Canada on my return?

If you are vaccinated and returning from a trip abroad, check the requirements on the Government of Canada website.

  1. Pre-entry test
    If you are a fully vaccinated traveller, you will need to get a pre-entry test within 72 hours of your scheduled flight to Canada. Rapid antigen tests are not accepted

  2. ArriveCAN app
    You must use the ArriveCAN app on your phone or computer to provide information on your arrival 72 hours prior to arrival. Download the app from the Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple) - it’s free. Answer all the questions, take a photo of your passport, enter your proof of vaccination, your quarantine plan (if you do not qualify as a fully vaccinated traveller), etc. If you do NOT complete the ArriveCAN app prior to your arrival, you will not be treated as a fully vaccinated traveller.

What happens if I cancel my trip due to COVID-19?

We always recommend comprehensive travel insurance that includes a cancellation benefit; however, in the case of COVID-19, we are now dealing with a “known event.” This means that regular trip cancellation coverage may not cover if the cancellation is related to COVID-19. Many of the insurance offerings from Stewart Travel Group offer cancellation if you, your travelling companion or your immediate family member(s) get COVID-19 or if you lose your job as a result of COVID-19. Some also provide a “cancel for any reason” benefit that allows you to cancel if you feel uncomfortable continuing with your trip. Neither of these benefits are common on credit card policies or policies offered by employers. It is more important than ever to have a copy of -- and READ -- your insurance policy so that you fully understand what is included (and excluded).

What happens if the tour operator or supplier cancels my trip due to COVID-19?

It’s going to depend on the situation. If the tour operator or airline cancels your trip, you may be entitled to a future travel credit or a refund depending on the reason the service was cancelled and the Terms and Conditions you agreed to when booking your trip. We highly recommend that you read through the Terms and Conditions and have a conversation with your Trusted Travel Advisor about them prior to booking.

What happens if I test positive during my vacation?

First, we hope that you are you okay and that have comprehensive travel insurance. Many of the insurance offerings from Stewart Travel Group do cover emergency medical costs related to COVID-19, as well as quarantine costs if you test positive in destination. It is unlikely that your credit card insurance or coverage you have through work will provide these benefits. It is more important than ever to have a copy of -- and READ -- your insurance policy so that you fully understand what is included (and excluded). If you have insurance coverage that includes a COVID-19 quarantine benefit, you may get a total “lump sum” amount or you may get a per diem. It is important to understand this prior to departure. Please check with your Trusted Travel Advisor about the details for your trip.

Where do I stay if I test positive?

If you are in destination -- particularly in the south -- your resort may offer to extend your stay in a designated area during your 14-day quarantine. In some cases this is a complimentary stay, in others there is a cost. In Cuba, you will be transferred to a hotel-hospital (a tourist facility authorized by the government for isolation and medical care). If you cannot stay at your original hotel, your Trusted Travel Advisor will be available to help you make alternate arrangements.

Where do I get medical care?

Let's assume that you have comprehensive travel insurance. Many of the insurance offerings from Stewart Travel Group do cover emergency medical costs related to COVID-19. It’s important that you contact your insurance provider as soon as you receive the positive test to ensure that you are properly covered by insurance.

How do I get home once I test positive?

If you’ve already had COVID-19 you may continue to test positive after you’ve recovered and are no longer infectious. Once you are symptom-free, you can provide proof of a positive COVID-19 molecular test when crossing the border, instead of a negative one. The test must have been conducted at least 14 and no more than 180 days before the initial scheduled departure time of your aircraft. It must be a result from an accepted type of molecular test. Upon arrival in Canada you will be given directions about follow-up testing or quarantine requirements.

Do you recommend travel?

We are all eager to travel in compliance with the rules set out for travel in this new world. Many of the Trusted Travel Advisors at Stewart Travel Group have been to Europe or the Caribbean in the past few months. We always recommend what is right for our clients and each one of you is unique and has different levels of comfort, different personal circumstances, and different interests. Our job is to provide you with the best advice we can, based on current and reliable information. Please consult with your Trusted Travel Advisor for the latest information and the details specific to your trip.


  This blog post was written by Frances Gertsch, a Trusted Travel Advisor with Stewart Travel Group.